American Fisheries Society x Food Recovery Network x Anteaters Habitat for Humanity Beach Cleanup

Join American Fisheries Society at UCI (AFS) Food Recovery Network at UCI (FRN) and Anteaters Habitat for Humanity (AH4H) on Sunday 4/21 from 9am-11am for a beach cleanup at Huntington Beach! We ask that you RSVP on campusgroups by Friday, 4/19 so we can arrange rides accordingly! This will be a fun time of both [...]

American Fisheries Society x Food Recovery Network x Anteaters Habitat for Humanity Beach Cleanup2024-04-17T15:42:34-07:00

Achieving 30×30 with Coastal Quest Virtual Conference

Join us for this free 2-day virtual conference on November 9th and 10th, 2021, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm PST. This conference will explore the 30×30 movement to protect 30% of coasts and oceans by 2030, reversing the negative impacts of biodiversity decline and climate change. Register Here: 

Achieving 30×30 with Coastal Quest Virtual Conference2021-10-29T11:52:48-07:00

Towards a Sustainable 21st Century

Save the date for the 5th annual workshop on coastal resilience! Presented by UCI Newkirk Science and Society, the School of Social Ecology and UCI Oceans View the agenda:

Towards a Sustainable 21st Century2019-09-10T10:48:22-07:00

Strengthening Coasts for a Resilient Future

Join us for a FREE public workshop at University of California, Irvine (UCI) with some of the leading experts on building and implementing coastal resilience! Please use this form to register for the Strengthening Coasts for a Resilient Future workshop.July 18, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm at the Environmental Nature Center, Newport Beach Keynote Presentation: [...]

Strengthening Coasts for a Resilient Future2018-07-05T18:15:37-07:00
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