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The Sustainability Initiative is bringing together people interested in exploring the role UC Irvine could play in convening or supporting a regional climate resilience collaborative.

A regional climate resilience collaborative is a group of diverse public, private, and/or non-profit entities representing a region and committed to preparing that region for the emerging impacts of climate change (e.g., sea level rise, extreme storm events, food scarcity, wildfires, heat waves, and droughts).

19565121811_da58995a6d_zIn the statewide network, there is currently no existing climate collaborative directly covering Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, or Imperial Counties, the sites of significant research and engagement programs of many faculty members from across the UC Irvine schools. These are also the sites of significant work by local governmental and non-governmental groups that address various aspects of climate impact.

Upcoming Events

The Sustainability Initiative would like to invite you to participate in upcoming conversations regarding regional climate resilience collaboration. Please look at the dates below and RSVP through the online form.

Topic:  Envisioning UCI’s optimal role in regional climate resilience collaboration and moving it forward.
Attend these discussions if you are interested in picking up where the Sustainability Initiative Fall Faculty Meetings left off by taking the next steps on this overarching topic. All welcome.

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