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Thursday, Jun 13, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Free
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CLEWS Seminar – From Climate Risk to Climate Solutions: My Journey in Climate Tech


For our last seminar, we will welcome Dr. Julie Pullen, a founding Partner and Chief Scientist at ocean climate tech VC fund Propeller Ventures. She is an oceanographer, meteorologist, climate scientist, and active angel investor and LP in climate tech. Dr. Pullen's scientific expertise spans climate, weather and water with a focus on coastal flooding, heatwaves and drought and their impact

About: Dr. Julie Pullen is founder partner and a member of the investment team, leads science & tech for the fund and oversees projects with ocean science institutions. Her investment interests include ocean tech, AI for weather/climate, marine CDR/MRV, and national security. 
Dr. Pullen’s research has contributed to the understanding and development of resilience and sustainability in coastal environments, and the enhancement of Earth System Models on weather, subseasonal-to-seasonal, and climate timescales. She serves on the Board of Ocean Visions and the Science Advisory Board for Carbon to Sea. She most recently led early product development and then climate strategy at Jupiter, a climate risk startup, and is an adjunct research scientist at Columbia’s Earth Institute.

Date: June 13; 4-5pm, followed by a reception
Location1310 Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building (ISEB) 

Livestream: https://uci.zoom.us/j/98553826748 


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ISEB 1310