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Cheesemaking is a unique trade skill that dates back thousands of years. Cheese was made as a way to add nutritional and economic value while preserving many different types of milk.

When you make your own cheese, you reduce waste associated with processing, packaging, refrigerating and transporting store-bought cheeses. You also eliminate preservatives, stabilizers, and artificial ingredients. In this workshop, we will learn the craft of turning milk into delicious cheese. Learn what ingredients, techniques, tools, and skills are required to culture, drain, and ripen cheeses.

Join us to become a cheesemaker and taste the difference!

Together we will make:

  • Greek Yogurt Labneh
  • Goat Cheese
  • Ricotta
  • Mozzarella

Instructor: Kerri Cacciata

Instructor Bio: Chef Kerri was born and raised in Orange County. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in community organizing in San Francisco and studied culinary arts locally, finding harmony when the two subjects come together. She has worked in non-profit agencies, farmers markets, and in a number of professional kitchens. Kerri is a leader in the sustainable food movement in Orange County and currently leads The Ecology Center’s Community Table Accord and food programming.


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