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We are thrilled to invite you to the CLEWS Seminar on “Climate Extremes in a Warming Climate: Why Every Year Matters” featuring Dr. Sonia I. Seneviratne, Professor in Land-Climate Dynamics from ETH Zurich.

In this engaging presentation, Dr. Seneviratne will provide a concise overview of the latest research on climate extremes, including key insights from the IPCC AR6 report. Discover the observed changes in weather and climate extremes globally, understand the strong influence of human activities, and explore the implications for heatwaves, heavy precipitation, droughts, and tropical cyclones in different regions.

Dr. Seneviratne will also discuss the impact of climate extremes on low-emissions pathways, exploring crucial considerations for decision-making processes and potential limitations to nature-based solutions.

To confirm your attendance, kindly RSVP here:


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