Events that address critical issues confronting society in pursuit of environmental balance, economic vitality & social justice.
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With recycling programs facing headwinds over contamination and market turmoil, schools are taking the opportunity to shift their priority toward the first of the three R’s: Reduce. We’ll hear about two specific waste prevention campaign opportunities for colleges and other institutions. New Dream, a non-profit organization focused on changing consumption patterns to improve well being for people and the planet, will share research and outreach resources for their “Simplify the Holidays” campaign encouraging more-meaningful alternatives to simply gifting wasteful, often-unwanted “stuff”.

The second half of the webinar will showcase the “Turning the Page on Campus Paper Use Campaign” promoted by AASHE and Root Solutions, a non-profit organization dedicated to using behavioral science to promote more effective environmental campaigns. Their presentation, combined with a case study from Portland Community College, will highlight resources and strategies to reduce paper consumption.


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