Events that address critical issues confronting society in pursuit of environmental balance, economic vitality & social justice.
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Join us for a guided tour of The Ecology Center and learn about organic home gardening!

The Ecology Center is a regional hub of sustainabilty with a mission to engage the entire community in fun, hands-on solutions to improve the health of our shared ecosystems. Our goal is to inspire positive change and cultivate a healthy, abundant future — together.

Join us for a guided tour of our historic home, built by pony express rider Joel Congdon in 1878. Over the last 7 years, we have transformed the land surrounding the Congdon house into a thriving learning landscape. We’ve carefully designed our spaces to serve as a model for sustainable solutions everyone can enact in their own lives and homes. Engage with sustainable solutions throughout our Eco-Labs, visit our carefully curated general store Tools for Change, and gain a deeper understanding of how you can be part of the solution.

*Free for members, $5 suggested donation for non-members.


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