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Explore the ecological ways to design, create and maintain a thriving edible organic garden. Take a step further in sustainability by becoming an urban farmer!

Southern California’s climate allows for continuous, diverse and abundant yields of fresh seasonal organic herbs and vegetables. With proper ecological design and planning, anyone can transform their backyards into a thriving organic food producing oasis! You can grow in any space with maintenance fit for any busy schedule.

Join US on the path to a sustainable local food system by becoming an effective urban organic farmer. Together in this workshop we will:

  • Learn hands-on how to design and plan a healthy organic herbs & vegetables gardenEdible Organic Garden Design & Care
  • Learn about the step-by step process to start, establish and maintain the garden
  • Gain insights about seasonal plant choices suited for your garden, garden styles and sizes (in ground, raised beds, etc), site and soil preparation, planting, plant succession, companion planting, irrigation set-up and moisture control, seasonal maintenance, organic fertilizers, natural disease & pest management and other techniques to ensure the health of your garden
  • Create a first draft plan for your backyard organic edibles garden

Whether you already have a garden or would like to have one, this workshop will give you the tools to design, create and maintain a thriving edible organic garden.

All attendees will receive 1 or 2 informational hand-outs to complement the subjects covered in the workshop, and take home a few free heirloom seeds and seedlings to start or add to their garden!


A backyard edible organic garden provides many benefits for your home, community and the environment in general. Among other things, here are some of the benefits:

  • fresh herbs, vegetables and even fruits (organic food & medicine / health)
  • less trips to the grocery store (money savings, gas savings / food independence)
  • improved garden & neighborhood ecosystem biodiversity (community resilience)
  • good use of water and space (ecology conservation)
  • reduced waste and pollution associated with the big-agro-industrial food production and distribution system (environmental activism)
  • reduced runoff and local water pollution (healthy watersheds and oceans)
  • therapeutic healing (less trips to the doctor)
  • increased property values
  • contributing to a sustainable food system!

With the right steps,tools and techniques, an ecologically diverse and healthy backyard edible organic garden is easy to start, establish and maintain. Beyond the personal benefits, a home organic food grower is a promoter and supporter of a healthy, abundant and sustainable future for all!



Instructor: Lucian Toma

Instructor Bio: Certified Permaculture Designer, Lucian, became a passionate organic gardener during his Master’s Program in Global Leadership and Sustainable Development. Currently he grows much of the vegetables and herbs consumed in his household in San Clemente, with surplus for sharing with neighbors, extended family and local wildlife. His gardens abound with ecological design features, combining rainwater harvesting earthworks, drip irrigation, mulch, native plants, succulents, fruit trees and edible crops.
Since growing his own food and spending time the gardens, Lucian says he is more aware of the local natural flow of things and has seen a major improvement in his physical, intellectual and spiritual well being. Professionally, he leads Public Programs at The Ecology Center and can be found in the gardens quite often.


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