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The UCI campus has amazing resources to take your students outside and learn experientially. Spend Earth Day learning the ins and outs on how to plan and lead a successful field trip. We will answer many important questions, including: What field trip opportunities are there on campus? What kinds of support can I receive? Do I need to make reservations to visit these places? What are the safety and equity concerns I should be aware of? What are the best practices for maximizing student comfort and experiential learning? While this workshop will address “on campus” field trips, much of the content will be relevant to taking students further afield. Future workshops will address field trips to remote locations, including full day and overnight trips to UC field stations. Brought to you by UCI Nature ( This workshop is intended for graduate students and faculty currently or potentially leading class field trips.

1 hour in-person discussion + 1 hour field trip to the Ecological Preserve that will involve walking up to a total of 1 mile. Limited to 30 participants, first come-first serve.

Questions: Additional details will be sent to all registrants prior to the workshop. Please contact Kailen Mooney ( with subject line “How to field trip”

Registration: (This workshop is intended for graduate students and faculty currently or potentially leading class field trips)


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