Calendar of Events
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1 event,
Farming Towards Sustainability
Farming Towards Sustainability
Interested in learning about agriculture in the city? "Farming Towards Sustainability" is part of the SRC's Sustainable Development Goals leadership series. This event will go over SDG 10, 11, and…
1 event,
Wednesday Wellness Walks
Wednesday Wellness Walks
Discover the beauty of nature with us! Join our Wednesday Wellness Walks, a bi-weekly adventure to local UCI points of interest. Explore nearby parks and nature preserves, right in our…
1 event,
Asian Pacific Environmental Network X Environmental Justice Collective at UCI
Asian Pacific Environmental Network X Environmental Justice Collective at UCI
The Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) is an environmental justice organization that works with frontline communities throughout California to advocate for climate resilience, just transition, and affordable housing. APEN…