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Staff Professional Development and Training


Welcome to the Sustainability Fundamentals Training for UCI Staff!

Would you like to learn how to incorporate more sustainable practices into your work? Complete our online Sustainability Fundamentals Training designed for all UCI staff members. Whether you work on campus, remotely, or hybrid, this training provides an overview of simple sustainable actions and helpful resources applicable to all work types. Additional topics covered include defining sustainability, gaining insight into UC systemwide sustainability goals, and learning about UCI’s progress towards achieving those goals.

This training includes the Sustainability Fundamentals presentation followed by a certification quiz. Upon successful completion, UCI staff are certified as official Sustainability Ambassadors, demonstrating their gained knowledge in sustainability and a commitment to helping to strengthen the culture of campus sustainability.

This professional development opportunity is in alignment with UCI’s 2016 Strategic Plan goal to implement an ethos of sustainability for all campus staff (Goal 3.4).

Steps to Certification

Step 1: Complete the Sustainability Fundamentals Training Presentation (link - no login required)

Length: 20 - 25 minutes

Topics Covered:

  1. What is Sustainability? (Slides 5-12)
  2. What are the UC Systemwide Sustainability Goals? (Slides 13-16)
  3. How Does UCI Implement Sustainability? (Slides 17-20)
  4. What Can You Do? How UC staff contribute to a more sustainable campus community. (Slides 21-59)

Step 2: Take the Certification Quiz (link)

  • Please complete this ten question quiz to test your knowledge of sustainability topics and information.
  • UCI staff are certified as official Sustainability Ambassadors upon receiving a score of 80% or higher (at least 8 correct answers out of 10 questions).

Step 3. Receive your UCI Sustainability Ambassador Certificate

  • Certificates are sent to the email address provided in the quiz.
  • Download and share the Sustainability Infographics for UCI Staff (see below).

                                                                            Sustainability Infographics for UCI Staff (pdf)

                                                                                                    [All infographics combined into one PDF]

                                                                                                  [Individual infographics]