UCI Green Labs

About UCI Green Labs
The UCI Green Labs program works with principal investigators, lab managers, and students to educate and assist in the implementation of more sustainable practices in campus laboratories. The program provides resources and guidance in areas including energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, sustainable purchasing, and green chemistry. Upon incorporating greater sustainable practices, research groups are awarded official Green Labs certification. All campus research labs are encouraged to participate.
This program will relaunch January 2025!
Why Green Labs?
While only 20 percent of building space at UCI are laboratories, research labs consume approximately two-thirds of total campus energy. Laboratory spaces have great potential to reduce energy consumption, conserve water, and minimize waste. By practicing and developing a better understanding of sustainability, labs can be at the forefront in helping UCI achieve carbon neutrality by 2025.
Participation Benefits
- Recognition as lab sustainability champion
- Prolong equipment life and reduce costs
- Increase research efficiency
- Reduce carbon footprint
- Recognition for sustainability efforts on grants
- Strengthen team building & community
- Greater access to sustainability resources
The UCI Green Labs program is currently on pause due to exciting updates to come! To be notified once the new program is launched, please click below.
The Certification Process
Certified Green Labs
Certification Level
Lab Name
- Druffel Lab, Earth System Science
- Allison Lab, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology