How to be a Reproductive Justice Informed Voter


Join us for a webinar co-hosted by the Womxn’s Center for Success and Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity as we discuss the reproductive justice framework and how various policies can better further the mission of reproductive justice. All attendees will receive a sticker to pick up at the WCS! Link to RSVP:  


In the Green: Interview Preparation Workshop with Vanessa Marcin

Paul Merage School of Business, SB2 Room 111 4293 Pereira Dr, Irvine, CA, United States

This week we have an interview preparation workshop with Vanessa Marcin, Associate Director of Career Services at Paul Merage! It will be held this Wednesday at SB2 112, and you can gain insight into interview preparation, resume and CV writing, and networking. Bring your resume and a pen for an activity we will complete!  


OCPA Environmental Roundtable

OCPA 15310 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA, United States

The Orange County Power Authority (OCPA) is holding its first Environmental Roundtable on November 14th between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. at the OCPA office in Irvine, 15310 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA, 92618. This roundtable is a chance for our staff to hear from community members active in the environmental space and will include an update on…


Climate Action Campaign: Unpacking UCI’s Gas Experiment Proposal


From Climate Action Campaign: UC Irvine and the gas industry are trying to bring a dangerous experiment to the Anteater Recreation Center, harming our health, safety, climate goals, and energy affordability in California. This Thursday, Nov. 21 at 3pm, please join Climate Action Campaign and a panel of scientists on Zoom for an objective discussion…


Careers in Sustainability Startups

Columbia University 1255 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Gender disparities in entrepreneurship are stark. Only one in every three businesses is owned by a woman. Of the organizations that were created between 2009 and 2019, only 20% had a female founder. Join the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia SIPA Women in Energy (WIE) initiative to hear from women who have successfully…

Clean Air Conversation Webinar

Register today for the next installment of Clean Air Conversations, a webinar series where we learn and discuss the complex issues surrounding climate change and air quality in California. In 1984, the Supreme Court ruled that courts should defer to the expertise of agencies like the EPA in interpreting ambiguous policies and regulations. So expert…

Virtual Environmental Education Career Fair


Calling all job seekers and employers! Join us for a virtual environmental education career fair. Site leaders will be grouped into breakout rooms, where they will make a pitch for their organization/worksite, share any current or upcoming employment opportunities, and end with Q&A. Job seekers will choose several rooms to attend. Interviews will not be…


Santa Ana Environmental Justice Stakeholder Meeting

John F. Kennedy Elementary School 1300 East McFadden Avenue, Santa Ana, CA, United States

GREEN-MPNA will be hosting their next Environmental Justice Stakeholder Meeting at Kennedy Elementary from 6pm - 8pm with UCI EcoGovLab. Concerned about the toxins and polluters in Santa Ana? We invite everyone to come join us as we speak to and ask questions to our panelists which include government environmental agencies that are in charge…


Composting Workshop

Community and Susi Q Center Art Room 380 3rd Street, Laguna Beach, CA, United States

The City of Laguna Beach's waste hauler CR&R Environmental is offering four free composting workshops throughout the year at no cost to Laguna Beach residents. Join us to discover simple and natural composting methods, and gain hands-on experience with expert guidance.  


Mini-Anteater Involvement Fair

Dome of Stars Room in UCI Middle Earth Tower

Mini-Anteater Involvement Fair (AIF) is a 1-day fair (formerly known as Winter AIF) held at Dome of Stars in Middle Earth, aimed at giving students an opportunity to connect with numerous campus organizations. This fair will showcase 70+ Registered Campus Organizations (RCO's), allowing students to find a wide variety of RCO's that fit their interests,…